In this video we’ll create our own notification service using an AngularJS Factory with publication and subscription methods. We’ll use this service to send messages between our Create Customer Modal, and our Customer List to refresh the list when a new customer is created.
We look at:
– Creating a new AngularJS notification Factory Service
– Setting up functionality within the Service to send a message and data
– Setting up functionality with the Service to receive a message and data
– Hooking up our Create Customer Controller with the new notification service
– Using the new notification service to send data when a new customer is created
– Hooking up our Customer List directive with the new notification service to update the list when a new customer is created
– Creating a new customer to test out our new Service
We’re ready to move onto the Login Page! In this video we’ll look at the MEAN Stack App Login Page, and look at how to set up a MEAN App with Passport.js Facebook authentication.
I’ve been getting a few questions on how to go about adding external/custom modules to a MEAN Stack app. If the module is vanilla JavaScript, it’ll need some additional work to create one or more directives, but assuming you have an Angular module, such as one from this site:, then the process is fairly […]
In this tutorial video we’ll get fancy with Autocomplete! We’ll look at some sweet little tricks that you can use when you’re working with small datasets. Both Local and Remote/Server side sets of data can be handled in a similar once the data is available to AngularJS.
In this video we’ll take a look at the Mongoose package, and set up our customers model that we’ll use to create our customers MongoDB collection.
We look at:
– The Customers Pages, with a focus on the create customer storyboard
– The Mongoose website
– The Mongoose documents relating to ‘Defining your schema’
– Setting up our Customers model, based on our storyboard
We look at:
– Continuing to build based on our App Design (use cases, storyboard, and wireframes)
– An Introduction to Bootstrap Buttons
– An Introduction to Bootstrap Glyphicons
– A Quick Intro to Chrome Developer Tools
– An Introduction to Bootstrap NavBars
– Changing the color of the MEAN Stack NavBar
– Changing the Brand Label on the NavBar
In this video, we’ll take the app that we prepared as part of the 30 day MEAN Stack Challenge, and move the files across into the new MEAN.js 0.4 app structure.
In this video, we’ll take the app that we prepared as part of the 30 day mean stack app challenge, and move the customer module files across into the new 0.4 app structure.
We look through the AngularJS Material Design starter app, with tips and tricks for Toolbars: including, layout=”row”, layout=”column”, md-tall, tabs and themes.
In this video we’ll continue setting up our Update Customer Modal instance using Angular UI. We’ll focus on formatting and styling the Modal window to include the fields and styles that we need based on our wireframes.
We look at:
– A recap of our Angular UI Customer Update Modal
– Connecting to the customers scope to pass a selected customer’s details through to our Modal
– Updating the html template so that we have the formatting and styles as per our wireframes
– Testing to see if our Modal works with our ng-click directive
– Updating our html styles based on styles which are already part of the modal classes
– Passing through the details of a selected customer to the Update Modal
In this video we’ll use the yeoman generator to create new Angular.js Controller and test files.
How can you take the server side of your expressJS based, Mean Stack app, and turn it into a Meteor App? Let’s take a look at sending emails using Meteor.