In this video we’ll take a detailed look the query functionality used to return a list of customers from MongoDB to the Angular scope. We’ll also look at how to display the returned data on the List Customers Page.
We look at:
– The List Customers Page that was created from the Yeoman Generator
– The use of the data-ng-init directive
– The workings behind the find() function
– The working behind the Customers.query and how it maps up to search the MongoDB
– Following through the query function from the Angular controller and through to the router and the customer.server.controller
– The mongoose code that is used to query MongoDB to return a list of customers
– Finding query documentation on the MongoDB website
– Using the AngularJS Batarang Plugin to look at the Customer data on the List Customers Page
– The syntax used to display data from the Angular Customers scope on the List Customers Page
Wondering how to set up a free MongoDB database online? This video goes through the quick steps to show you how to set up a Free MongoDB sandbox database using
You’ll have your database ready in a couple of minutes!
When you’re building software, regardless of whether it’s software that will be installed on a computer (think .exe) or hosted in the cloud (think www), it’s generally a good idea to follow some methodology. I say generally, because you could choose to ignore the methodology.
The downside of not following some methodology is that things may take you a bit longer, with likely repetition and rework. This could be a problem when you’re creating software on a budget and within a specified timeframe; but may not be an issue if you are just starting out and teaching yourself to code.
In this video we’ll deploy our app to DigitalOcean.
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We look at:
– The quick steps to create a new Digital Ocean account
– Downloading PuTTY if you’re using a Windows machine
– Creating SSH keys using PuTTYgen
– Adding SSH keys to Digital Ocean
– Creating a new Node.js Droplet
– Using PuTTY to connect to our new Droplet
– Checking the Node.js version of our Droplet
– Push our app up quickly to Bitbucket or GitHub
– Copy the SSH/HTTPS link for our Bitbucket project
– Install Git on our Droplet
– Create a copy of the app on our Droplet using Git and Bitbucket
– CD into the folder for the new app
– Npm install
– Bower install
– Grunt install
– Run our app using Grunt
– Connecting and opening up our app
In this video we’ll create our own notification service using an AngularJS Factory with publication and subscription methods. We’ll use this service to send messages between our Create Customer Modal, and our Customer List to refresh the list when a new customer is created.
We look at:
– Creating a new AngularJS notification Factory Service
– Setting up functionality within the Service to send a message and data
– Setting up functionality with the Service to receive a message and data
– Hooking up our Create Customer Controller with the new notification service
– Using the new notification service to send data when a new customer is created
– Hooking up our Customer List directive with the new notification service to update the list when a new customer is created
– Creating a new customer to test out our new Service
In this video we’ll prepare our mean.js app and get it ready to deploy!!
We look at:
– Using the Grunt Build command to create our application files
– Setting up a new MongoDB for production
– Hooking our new MongoDB instance in our production file
– Commit our file changes using Git
Woohoo now we’re ready to deploy!
In this video we’ll deploy our app to Heroku
We look at:
– Downloading the Heroku toolbelt from
– Signing up to Heroku from
– Deploying to Heroku
We’re ready to move onto the Login Page! In this video we’ll look at the MEAN Stack App Login Page, and look at how to set up a MEAN App with Passport.js Facebook authentication.
In this video we’ll add a search input and new customer button to our List Customers Page. We’ll also use AngularJS Filters to connect our search input to our list of customers, to let us filter through our list of customers.
We look at:
– Continuing to set up the List Customers Page
– Determining the grid layout for mobile vs. larger devices
– Using col-xs and col-sm to change grid sizes based on device size
– Finding and using Bootstrap classes for input-groups for our search bar
– Adjusting the size of input-groups and buttons to align to the wireframe
– Connecting the search input to the list of customers
– Finding Angular Filter documentation on the AngularJS website
– Using Angular Filter syntax to add filtering functionality to our app
– Adding place-holder text to our Search input
In this video we’ll use Angular directives and Bootstrap plus a bit of CSS to begin to format our List Customers Page. During the video, we also have a look at Angular Filters and a reference to the Angular documentation for Filters.
We look at:
– Setting up the List Customers Page
– An introduction to Angular Filters
– AngularJS Documentation for Filters on the website.
– Using population to display the name of the user who created a Customer record
– Using Bootstrap and Angular to format our List of Customers
– Using Bootstrap columns to display differently depending on the device used
– Using CSS to style our User icons
In this video we’ll look at express.js, and how it hooks together the back-end of our MEAN app. We’ll also look at setting up client side CSS and JS assets for our app, both core and minified versions.
We look at:
– documents and key pages to start with
– The different packages that make up the express portion of the MEAN Stack
– The Server.js file, and how it is used to connect off to a number of other files that run our app
– The Express.js file, and how different elements of the app files are loaded and used by Express.
– The environment files that are used to load CSS and JS assets for our app
– Loading core and minified files as assets for our app
– Loading assets and connecting to MongoDB in a production environment
In this video we’ll create our own custom AngularJS directive. We’ll look at pulling out our list of customers and putting it into its own template, we’ll then glue the view and list back together using a directive.
We look at:
– An introduction to directives
– Locating Angular directives within our code
– Different types of directives
– The AngularJS documentation on directives
– Referring to directives using camel-case
– Creating our own custom elements/tags
– Moving our reusable code into a template
– Gluing our custom elements and template together using a directive
– Cleaning up our customer routes