I’ve been getting a few questions on how to go about adding external/custom modules to a MEAN Stack app. If the module is vanilla JavaScript, it’ll need some additional work to create one or more directives, but assuming you have an Angular module, such as one from this site: http://ngmodules.org/, then the process is fairly […]
In this video we’ll create our own custom AngularJS directive. We’ll look at pulling out our list of customers and putting it into its own template, we’ll then glue the view and list back together using a directive.
We look at:
– An introduction to directives
– Locating Angular directives within our code
– Different types of directives
– The AngularJS documentation on directives
– Referring to directives using camel-case
– Creating our own custom elements/tags
– Moving our reusable code into a template
– Gluing our custom elements and template together using a directive
– Cleaning up our customer routes
In this video we’ll look at changing the MEAN App Login Page, and start to get it to look like our Login page Wireframe.
We look at:
– The MEAN Stack Sign-in page
– The process for changing the details on the sign-in page
– Introduction to Bootstrap Input Groups
– Introduction to Bootstrap Form Groups and Button layouts
In this video, we’ll take the app that we prepared as part of the 30 day mean stack app challenge, and move the customer module files across into the new 0.4 app structure.
Ever felt like: OMG! Which web framework should I use? How do I know if I’m picking the right one? WHY IS IT SO HARD!!
In this video we’ll start to set-up our AngularJS Create Customer Modal. We’ll begin by turning our create customer view into a Modal window, and get it to popup using the ‘New Customer’ button.
We look at:
– The current create customer view
– Changing the top and bottom of the create customer view to align it with the update customer modal
– Changing our references to refer to the customer create controller
– Changing the controller alias references on the new Create Modal buttons
– Setting up the Create Customer Controller by reusing the existing create function and changing it up
– Using the code for the update customer modal directive as a template to create a new create customer modal directive.
– Adding a reference to our new Modal from the Customer List ‘Create Customer’ button
– Opening up our new Create Customer Modal
In this video we’ll use the yeoman generator to create a new Angular.js factory service.
In this tutorial video we’ll create a working contact form! Each time a user sends a message using the contact form, an email will be sent to your designated email address.
It can be really frustrating when setting up your Windows environment for NodeJS, with packages like Yo, Grunt, Bower etc and Stack Overflow says Fix your PATH
We look at:
– The MEAN Stack Sign-in page
– Creating CSS styles
– Passport.js error messages
– Introduction to Bootstrap Alerts
– Exploring the Angular.js code on the Sign-in page
– Homework – Can you format the Sign-up page? Let me know how you go!
Once we’ve locked in a set of requirements, we can start designing! We’ll begin by creating a list of use cases, and storyboards (scenarios). Storyboards and wire-frames are often created in parallel, and changing one normally leads to changes in the other.
In this post, we’ll take the angular material starter app discussed during ng-conf 2015, and apply it to a MEAN Stack App.