Get AngularJS Batarang Working in Chrome

Has your version of AngularJS Batarang changed, or stopped working as expected?

Here are some quick steps to show you how to remove your existing version of AngularJS Batarang, and how to install a ‘working’ version.

So you can see your Angular Scopes and Models again!

1. Download Batarang from the releases page on GitHub (
2. Extract the downloaded file
2. Open a Chrome tab and navigate to to chrome://extensions/
3. Find, disable or remove any existing versions that are currently installed
4. On the top right, the checkbox for “Developer mode” should be checked
5. Click “Load unpacked extension…”
6. Select the directory where you extracted the extension

You should now be cooking with gas! Enjoy!

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  • leekhazmaya

    hi.i have succesfully install meansatck and working to app but once i am logout again relogin app same username and password but not logining .i dont know this resaons anyone help me?

  • Ray Lu

    Wow, you solve the misery caused by half-working Batarang in Chrome. I had the problem for sometime now and never had a cue of what went wrong. Thank you very much.
    One more favor from your “wild” Internet fan, when will be the “working” meanjs 4.0 available for the public?

    • bossable

      I know right, Batarang misery solved! 🙂

      In terms of mean 0.4.0, we’re getting closer! No date just yet, but I’m hoping to give the generator a test run later this week, and start looking at updating doco.