MEAN Stack – Deploy to Digital Ocean

In this video we’ll deploy our app to DigitalOcean.
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We look at:
– The quick steps to create a new Digital Ocean account
– Downloading PuTTY if you’re using a Windows machine
– Creating SSH keys using PuTTYgen
– Adding SSH keys to Digital Ocean
– Creating a new Node.js Droplet
– Using PuTTY to connect to our new Droplet
– Checking the Node.js version of our Droplet
– Push our app up quickly to Bitbucket or GitHub
– Copy the SSH/HTTPS link for our Bitbucket project
– Install Git on our Droplet
– Create a copy of the app on our Droplet using Git and Bitbucket
– CD into the folder for the new app
– Npm install
– Bower install
– Grunt install
– Run our app using Grunt
– Connecting and opening up our app

Woohoo you did it!


Category: Mean Stack


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  • Carlos

    This is a great video. I wanted to know if there is a follow-up of some kind. For instance, everything worked fine but (1) how do I get the server to now run “continuously after I log out of PuTTy and how can I run it showing just the ip address without adding the port beside it (so I can then work on showing the domain with the added port). Btw, this is the first node deployment to D.O video I saw that actually worked!!! (the other videos I saw on the web used a mac complicating things for me as a window user)